The box Beauty & Health offers you the best experiences selection within the world of beauty, spa and health allowing them to choose 1 out of 200 experiences.
What’s inside the box?
1 catalog with all the experiences to choose from
1 Gift voucher to use your chosen experience
Exclusives QR codes for more surprises…
How does it work?
You can choose this box or another from our selection as a gift or for yourself and send it directly to the adress of the gift receiver in 2-5 business days.
Once they receive their box they will choose from the experience selection in the catalog or on the list below. There are more than 200 experiences and the list is always growing !
To book the experience all they have to do is call the number of our partner at the end of the chosen experience page and book with them directly.
That’s it ! All they have to do now is come to the experience with the gift voucher and good vibes !